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Dublin Youth Athletics

Dublin Youth Athletics

DYA Coaches

Dublin Youth Athletics is a volunteer organization of parents providing sports programs for kids.

Volunteer coaches are needed for Baseball, Basketball, LacrosseSoftball and Volleyball. Coaching registration takes place online at

Parents can register to coach their child's team during the player registration process or by clicking "Volunteer" on the user account page at

DYA always accommodates coaches with 2+ teams in multiple DYA sports/divisions so they are not scheduled to be in two places at once.

DYA Coaching Certification

Coaching Certification Requirements

DYA coaches are required to complete the coaching certification process.

The following four federal, state and city-mandated requirements must be completed by all youth sports coaches (including assistant coaches). These requirements may have completed in the past; however the certifications expire, and the courses must be taken again.

Coaching Certification Requirements:
#1 - Background Check (every 1 year)
#2 - Abuse Awareness for Adults course [Safe Sport Act] (every 2 years)
#3 - Concussion course (every 3 years)
#4 - Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) training [Lindsay's Law] (every 1 year)

Coaches cannot be on the national sex offender registry or convicted of a felony or misdemeanor involving theft, fraud, or violence in the last seven years.

All coaching certification requirements are completed in one portal. This service is provided by Players Health and is free of charge for coaches.

To begin the DYA coaching certification process, go to:

After clicking the landing page link above, coaches will be prompted to provide their name, email and sport they're coaching.

After entering information on the landing page, within one business day, coaches will receive an invitation email from Click the “Login” button in the email and PH Protect will prompt coaches to build their profile and complete the certification process. Please be sure that the first and last name on the account are the coach's legal first and last name.

Returning coaches with an existing DYA Players Health account, login here:

The coaching certification process takes an estimated 1 to 1½ hours and must be completed no later than 1 week prior to the date of the preseason coaches' meeting.

CPR & AED Information & Training

CPR & AED Training

Washington Township Fire Department offers a training class where coaches can learn CPR and how to use an AED. Developed by the American Heart Association, this class addresses pediatric and adult CPR, recognizing and relieving a choking victim, recognizing the signs of a heart attack, and how to use an AED.
Washington Township CPR & AED Training Registration

CPR & AED training is optional for DYA coaches.

Automated External Defibrillators

All Dublin City Schools facilities and many City of Dublin parks have automated external defibrillators (AEDs) available in case of emergency. AEDs are portable, life-saving devices designed to treat people experiencing sudden cardiac arrest, a medical condition in which the heart stops beating suddenly and unexpectedly.
AED Locations at Dublin City Schools 2024-25 (PDF)
AED Locations at City of Dublin Parks (PDF)

City of Dublin Parks are equipped with Physio-Control LIFEPAK CR2 AEDs.
Video: Physio-Control LIFEPAK CR2 AED Training for Adults & Children (VIDEO) (3:17)
Poster: CPR Steps with AED (PDF)


Dublin Youth Athletics
6543 Commerce Pkwy, Ste G
Dublin, Ohio 43017

Phone: 614-259-7631
Email: [email protected]

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